summer internship

We're really excited to announce that C will be spending 10 weeks in Austin, Texas working for an endowment...specifically UT's endowment! It's a really great opportunity and I couldn't be more proud of C for landing such a great job. So for June through the first few weeks in August, C will be working away back in the great state of Texas. It'll be a huge adjustment for us this summer but I'm hoping to be able to make a few trips out there. Austin is a city that we truly love. It's probably the only city I'd go back to in Texas. I just love all the outdoor activities - water, mountains, wine country, etc. The music. The food. It's all really so great. 

There's a chance you might see a little more blogging around these parts over the summer since I'll have a LOT of free time on my hands with C away. Any tips for surviving a short-term long-distance marriage?

In the meantime, it's ready to put these boots to use!

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