monday musings.

>> In true, overachiever fashion, our christmas cards have already been ordered and are safely sitting on a shelf in our apartment, waiting for an appropriate time to be mailed. In my defense, I had a great Minted coupon that I just couldn't pass up. I typically use Tiny Pints because the prices are better but I just fell in love with these Minted cards. Get excited!
>> How adorable is the above picture? I'd love to take some holiday cards pictures down the road. We considered doing something like the above for these cards...but I got a little too anxious.
>> Really looking forward to making this delicious, easy recipe from my all-time favorite blog.
>> I caved and ordered this coat from JCrew Factory when it was on super sale. I like that it has the belt that most other puffer coats don't have. I think it makes it look less industrial but it seems equally warm. Winter, I'm ready for ya!
>> If you're looking for one of those super cozy, chunky infinity scarves...look no further than your local Old Navy. Total score. Way to go Old Navy! Oh also, boot socks.
>> I started Allegiant this weekend and I'm already pretty into it. The Divergent series is similar to Hunger Games but probably cheesier. But what can I say, I'm a sucker for this stuff. I should also note that Catching Fire is coming out soon (in November?) and Divergent has also been made into a movie. So I must be onto something.
>> After seeing 1 million action flicks this summer and fall, C finally agreed to let me drag him to About Time. I actually enjoyed it though the theme is slightly sad. However, I love the style of the Love Actually/Holiday creators and I enjoyed that flow of the movie. I would definitely say that it's a movie to see.
>> My mom bought us this mattress pad awhile back after raving about the one she has on her bed. When the move to the Northeast became imminent, this was a must have. Well, the time finally arrived to put it on the bed. Can't wait to climb into warm sheets tonight. PS. Is mattress pad a weird word or is that just me?
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