monday musings.

>> Last week was a total whirlwind! I never thought I'd be able to be one of those people who says they LOVE their jobs...but y'all...I think I do! PS. How cool is our open plan office?! 

>> We spent Saturday in Lenox, MA (where I spent ages 3-11) exploring the annual Apple Squeeze with my mom. I haven't been back to this fall festival in at least 10 years and it was so fun to stuff our faces with all things apple. 

>> Sunday started off with a charity walk to support a friend who was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, then a trip to the grocery store...and ended with a delivery of homemade mac&cheese to a new momma (turkey corn chili for me and C). 

>> I'm so behind on all my blog reading now that I'm working full time. I spent a good portion of Sunday browsing my favorite blogs and pinning away. 

>> Really pumped about this new jacket because it's basically identical to the more expensive Barbour version. Oh hey student discount! 

>> I recently ordered tea from my Aunt's new tea business. I'm SO excited for it to arrive because I'm dying to try the Chocolate Chai.

>> This face mask will be arriving on my doorstep tomorrow and the timing could not be better. I'm on a big Origins kick right now. The added stress of this past week has been torture on my skin. 

>> I'm dying to get my hands on this sports bra from Oiselle. It's been sold out for forever because Running World magazine featured it. Hurry up and make more please!

>> I had every intention of posting my september beauty favorites and I just realized that today is the last day of the month.....soooo we'll see what happens this evening.

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