monday musings
Sorry for the delay kiddos, I was home nursing a migraine yesterday…
1. C completed his first Ironman 70.3. Yes, you heard right. 70.3 miles - 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run. He ROCKED it. So stinking proud of him.

2. I’m awkwardly pumped to run 13.1 miles in December. Call me crazy.
3. Our house back home in CT is flooded. There’s water up to the windows and the whole street is underwater. 7.5 million people in the Northeast are without power. I’m thankful that my mom has friends to stay with but still so scared for everyone up there. It’s not just the water. Trees are coming down along with power lines which are causing fires. Please send prayers to everyone on the east coast!
4. A wonderful glass of pinot noir finally graced my lips last night as C and I celebrated his race. It had been something like 7-8 weeks since I had a glass of wine. Bliss.
5. We sipped wine and ate Mom’s spaghetti while watching Homeland. We’re 6 episodes in and sufficiently obsessed. It’s just complicated enough that I can’t predict what’s going to happen and find myself constantly sucked in. So thankful for Showtime On-Demand. It’s the little things…
6. I did use some down time yesterday to craft this little gem. Chalkboard paint and all!

7. I’ve joined the “runners who run with a handheld water bottle” club. I apparently become dehydrated during my runs which severely upsets my stomach. Somehow, having water with me keeps the issues at bay. Who knew? But I love my adorable new Amphipod bottle.
8. Did you sign up for GymPact yet? You need to!!!