monday musings.
2. I got some sweet new running kicks this weekend and I’m looking forward to Wednesday’s run. Apparently, it only takes me about 6 months to run through a pair of shoes. Good to know. If you’re in Dallas, hit up Luke’s Locker. The only place to get running shoes.
3. However, Wednesday’s run will be contingent on me being able to walk again…apparently 300+ squats in 1 hour will reek havoc on your legs.
4. The reason behind the squats? C and I volunteered at a triathlon this weekend. We were responsible for body marking (writing the numbers on all the participants arms and legs). That meant squatting down hundreds of times to write on their calves. Talk. about. sore. I feel like I’m 100 years old.
5. Early morning Saturday swims followed by even earlier mornings volunteering made for one VERY sleepy weekend. By the time we get home, it’s only 11am but we’re already climbing back in bed for a mid-day nap.
6. We went to Dish with some friends for Restaurant Week. While $35 for a 3-course meal and $20 for 3 wine pairings did seem like a good deal, I wasn’t wow’ed by the food or the ambiance. Can’t say we’ll be going back.
7. Even though I can barely walk, I insisted on wearing these new JCrew shoes I got for a STEAL on Friday. Love.
8. I’m digging these two photo apps I discovered this one and this one.

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