monday musings.
1. Hail Damage Verdict: over $2000 in damage ($999 of which I’m responsible for…) and the body shop is booked until mid-August…oh and it could take 4-8 weeks to complete the repairs. Ugh. Update: I think I found a plan B.
2. C kicked butt in his triathlon this weekend despite the hot, smelly lake water he had to swim in.

3. I’m already crashing since I was up at 5:30am for my swim workout this morning.
4. I got my heart rate zones tested this weekend. I’ll get back to you when I figure out what that means…
5. We watched the SADDEST movie this weekend…Act of Valor. Be warned.
6. We (mom and sister and me and C and possibly Aunts/Uncles/cousins) are spending Christmas at the beach! We’re not sure which beach to be exact but we’re ironing out plans ASAP. Prospective destinations include the BVIs, Jamaica, Antigua, Barbados, Dominican Republic…suggestions anyone?
7. It’s. so. hot. already. I. hate. it.
8. True Blood. Really? I mean what the heck is going on…?
9. I tried watching GIRLS again. It just makes me so uncomfortable.
10. Have you every taken a nap at 11:30am? Cause that happened this weekend…a product of waking up at 4:15am.
1.5. Due to mother nature’s little surprise, I’m on a spending freeze until at least December.
2. C kicked butt in his triathlon this weekend despite the hot, smelly lake water he had to swim in.

3. I’m already crashing since I was up at 5:30am for my swim workout this morning.
4. I got my heart rate zones tested this weekend. I’ll get back to you when I figure out what that means…
5. We watched the SADDEST movie this weekend…Act of Valor. Be warned.
6. We (mom and sister and me and C and possibly Aunts/Uncles/cousins) are spending Christmas at the beach! We’re not sure which beach to be exact but we’re ironing out plans ASAP. Prospective destinations include the BVIs, Jamaica, Antigua, Barbados, Dominican Republic…suggestions anyone?
7. It’s. so. hot. already. I. hate. it.
8. True Blood. Really? I mean what the heck is going on…?
9. I tried watching GIRLS again. It just makes me so uncomfortable.
10. Have you every taken a nap at 11:30am? Cause that happened this weekend…a product of waking up at 4:15am.
"If you are 25 or turning 25: It will be hard to find people to do drugs with you, so find other stuff to do. Happy hour is great because you can get tanked at what is essentially the late afternoon and be in bed by 9 p.m. It is OK to be in bed at 9 p.m. 25 is young, but you should never apologize for sleep because, like I said, your time to nap was three years ago."
- What It Means to be 25 Today by Sarah Shandield (Huffington Post)--Full Article
monday musings.
1. I have a moderately long “to-do” list at work today but I canNOT for the life of me get motivated to work!
2. I keep the apartment SUPA cold at night. I LOVE snuggling under a big fluffy comforter even when it’s summer time.
3. I HATE that you have to wash new towels like 496 times before all the fuzz is gone. When I dry my face/hands/body, I don’t want blue fuzz stuck all over me! The defeats the point of a shower!!
4. I’m so completely and utterly lost with what’s going on in True Blood. But I keep watching…
5. TLC has this show called My Big Fat AMERICAN GYPSY Wedding. So many missing brain cells…..
6. On Wednesday, golf balls fell from the sky. Yes, actual golf balls…made out of ice. My car was the very unfortunate victim of this phenomenon. Ugh.
7. I miss this and this chica a whole lot. (Spring Break circa 2010 - Mexico)

8. Triathlon training starts today….again. So yeah. I’ve decided to do it again. I sorta like it…
9. I almost took a “mental health day” today. Can you still do that in the real world? I totally remember begging my mom to let me stay home in high school because “it was all just too much!” and I needed a “mental health day”. #dramaqueen
10. You need to follow @face_baby on Instagram if it’s the last thing you do. I can only hope that my kid is half as cute as this one.
11. I’m apparently really bad at applying self tanning lotion. Talk about streaky mess! Must be better next time.
2. I keep the apartment SUPA cold at night. I LOVE snuggling under a big fluffy comforter even when it’s summer time.
3. I HATE that you have to wash new towels like 496 times before all the fuzz is gone. When I dry my face/hands/body, I don’t want blue fuzz stuck all over me! The defeats the point of a shower!!
4. I’m so completely and utterly lost with what’s going on in True Blood. But I keep watching…
5. TLC has this show called My Big Fat AMERICAN GYPSY Wedding. So many missing brain cells…..
6. On Wednesday, golf balls fell from the sky. Yes, actual golf balls…made out of ice. My car was the very unfortunate victim of this phenomenon. Ugh.
7. I miss this and this chica a whole lot. (Spring Break circa 2010 - Mexico)

8. Triathlon training starts today….again. So yeah. I’ve decided to do it again. I sorta like it…
9. I almost took a “mental health day” today. Can you still do that in the real world? I totally remember begging my mom to let me stay home in high school because “it was all just too much!” and I needed a “mental health day”. #dramaqueen
10. You need to follow @face_baby on Instagram if it’s the last thing you do. I can only hope that my kid is half as cute as this one.
11. I’m apparently really bad at applying self tanning lotion. Talk about streaky mess! Must be better next time.
I have this relationship with the food network.
The Food Network and I, well we have this thing…it’s definitely more than a fling. I mean, we really like each other. We used to spend hours of quality time together…
Then we broke up. “It’s me, not you!” I exclaimed, as I picked up the phone to cancel my cable. Our relationship was just too expensive.
But in all seriousness, I do love the Food Network (and HGTV) for that matter. Ask C. He always knows who was watching the TV last because nine times out of 10, when he turns it on…it’s on Food Network or HGTV.
I’ve come to develop a real fascination with some of the chefs. In my other life, I would have potentially pursued a career in culiary arts. As kids, my sister and I used to set up the video camera and tape ourselves hosting cooking shows on “TV”.
We begged my mom to get us a set of those teeny tiny glass prep bowls.
I mean, it’s totally necessary to have each and every spice, garlic clove and egg in it’s own tiny bowl.
We weren’t the ones doing the dishes anyway.
(Someday, I WILL have my own personal dishwasher and an unlimited supply of always clean bowls and spatulas.)
Several of my favorite chefs have stunning restaurants that I’ve been dying to frequent. Though I’m pretty sure most of them are not personally cooking my dinner, their influence is still a part of their food. For me, it’s not always the meal that wins me over but the ambiance/personality of the place.
Side Note: I would like to have lunch at Ina Garten’s house. Do y’all watch Barefoot Contessa? You know how she’s always cooking for guests and talking about her amazing friends…someday, I want to be invited over. She doesn’t have a restaurant but I bet a meal at her house just might beat all the rest.
I’d take a meal at Giada’s house as well. She has the most adorable family…
I’m dying to try:
Tyler Florence’s - Wayfare Tavern | San Francisco, CA

He’s always tweeting pictures of his AMAZING meals and I just can’t wait to check out the place. How cute is it?? I also love his show, Tyler’s Ultimate.
Alex Guarnaschelli’s - Butter | New York, NY

Emeril Lagasse’s - Emeril’s | New Orleans, LA

This is the restaurant that started it all for Emeril and the FIRST cooking show my sister and I really watched. Do you remember the old Emeril episodes where he had the live audience and he would scream “BAM!” and the everyone would go nuts…?
Then we broke up. “It’s me, not you!” I exclaimed, as I picked up the phone to cancel my cable. Our relationship was just too expensive.
But in all seriousness, I do love the Food Network (and HGTV) for that matter. Ask C. He always knows who was watching the TV last because nine times out of 10, when he turns it on…it’s on Food Network or HGTV.
I’ve come to develop a real fascination with some of the chefs. In my other life, I would have potentially pursued a career in culiary arts. As kids, my sister and I used to set up the video camera and tape ourselves hosting cooking shows on “TV”.
We begged my mom to get us a set of those teeny tiny glass prep bowls.
I mean, it’s totally necessary to have each and every spice, garlic clove and egg in it’s own tiny bowl.
We weren’t the ones doing the dishes anyway.
(Someday, I WILL have my own personal dishwasher and an unlimited supply of always clean bowls and spatulas.)
Several of my favorite chefs have stunning restaurants that I’ve been dying to frequent. Though I’m pretty sure most of them are not personally cooking my dinner, their influence is still a part of their food. For me, it’s not always the meal that wins me over but the ambiance/personality of the place.
Side Note: I would like to have lunch at Ina Garten’s house. Do y’all watch Barefoot Contessa? You know how she’s always cooking for guests and talking about her amazing friends…someday, I want to be invited over. She doesn’t have a restaurant but I bet a meal at her house just might beat all the rest.
I’d take a meal at Giada’s house as well. She has the most adorable family…
I’m dying to try:
Tyler Florence’s - Wayfare Tavern | San Francisco, CA

He’s always tweeting pictures of his AMAZING meals and I just can’t wait to check out the place. How cute is it?? I also love his show, Tyler’s Ultimate.
Alex Guarnaschelli’s - Butter | New York, NY

Emeril Lagasse’s - Emeril’s | New Orleans, LA

This is the restaurant that started it all for Emeril and the FIRST cooking show my sister and I really watched. Do you remember the old Emeril episodes where he had the live audience and he would scream “BAM!” and the everyone would go nuts…?
monday musings.
1. It’s amazing how new workout clothes totally “re”motivate me to workout. (C also scored some sweet new shoes and now can’t wait to go for a run!)
This weekend’s purchases:
Nike Running Fast Pace Tank - $28 - I like the that SUPER thin material doesn’t cling to super sweaty skin.
Nike Slim Fit Women’s Training Shorts - $42
2. I also cannot resist a JCrew sale and totally stocked up on some new work clothes. When everything is 70% off, how can you say no?
3. Oh. my. gee. Mad Men finale was amazing. By far, best episode YET! Few things:
- Poor Don is hallucinating again…
- I’m a little over Meghan’s “woe is me” issues.
- Pete is on a downward spiral…watch out Trudy! That apartment in NYC will only be trouble.
- Maybe Betty should get some electroshock therapy…
- Meghan’s mom. Whoa.
- So Don does the “right thing” and helps Meghan get the part…so do we think that’s Meghan’s blonde friend at the end who tries to proposition Don to sabotage Meghan. Oh la la Don…
- How long before Peggy is back at Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Price4. We said a bittersweet farewell to our sweet friend, Natalie, this weekend as she embarks on a new journey in DC! Can’t wait to go visit her!
6. I have never felt so many packages of various thread-count sheets in. my. life. White sheets, as a matter of fact.
7. I may or may not have been bit by the triathlon bug. My competitive spirit is forcing me to potentially add more races/training to the calendar in order to beat my time. Texas, bring on those 115 degree days…training continues.
8. We legitimately like organizing/cleaning. Especially little boxes/bins FOR EVERYTHING. C tackled this project this weekend…

9. Truth:

10. I have officially decided that I canNOT live without this stuff. Sleep or no sleep, it’s a lifesaver.
{race report} Playtri Festival Sprint Triathlon

Race Recap:
Swim (500 meters) - The swim was harder thank I thought it would be. When you jump in the water (deep water start), your heart is already racing so by the time the whistle blows to signal the start, I had a very hard time catching my breath and slowing down my breathing. The course looked so long (and felt long) but I managed to complete the swim. It took me a lot longer than I wanted it to but that just leaves lots of room for improvement.
{triathlon training} week 8: RACE WEEK!
This. is. it. All those weeks of training comes to this. I can’t believe the race is just days away. I feel like I’ve been talking/thinking about this race for at least 6 months.
Monday - OFF
Tuesday - Group Swim — Well the private party interfered with our regularly scheduled swim practice so I hit the pool at Baylor with C and practiced my stroke.
Wednesday - OFF — Dinner Date!
Thursday - Group Track — I bailed after 30 minutes at track to head to Luke’s Locker for some sweet hot pink compression sleeves. Let’s hope I can rest these legs and heal this injury before the race!
Friday - OFF
Saturday - 15 min bike, 15 min jog
Sunday - Sprint Triathlon RACE DAY!
Monday - OFF
Tuesday - Group Swim — Well the private party interfered with our regularly scheduled swim practice so I hit the pool at Baylor with C and practiced my stroke.
Wednesday - OFF — Dinner Date!
Thursday - Group Track — I bailed after 30 minutes at track to head to Luke’s Locker for some sweet hot pink compression sleeves. Let’s hope I can rest these legs and heal this injury before the race!
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Rocking compression under my jeans at work... |
Friday - OFF
Saturday - 15 min bike, 15 min jog
Sunday - Sprint Triathlon RACE DAY!
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